Policy currency switch option: 2 key insights

There will always be changes along your life journey. To manage your wealth effectively, you need to plan carefully, and have the right tools to help you respond to change and capture opportunities. That’s why there are savings plans on the market that let you change your policy currency. This video tells you what to pay attention to when applying for one.

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Protecting your all-round wellbeing

Protecting what matters requires careful maintenance of the three pillars of a good quality of life. More than looking after your physical health, it is also about enhancing your mental and financial wellbeing.

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Protecting your financial future

An insurance policy represents one of the most important commitments you can make to your loved ones. Find out how you can protect their financial future as well as your own with different insurance solutions.

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Protecting your loved ones

Buying a life insurance policy is a good way to protect your loved ones financially, but it’s not the only way. This article outlines some other options that can help you build a strong safety net for them.

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Spotlight on technology-enhanced learning

Technology-enhanced learning is becoming increasingly mature. Be sure to keep up with new trends in education to help your children become more effective learners.

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Preparation for getting the right protection

Insurance products are by nature not quite as simple as ABC. But no worries. We have prepared a checklist that would help you determine just what kind of protection, and how much of it, you need.

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Are there secret weapons to help you save faster?

We all know the benefits of saving money, but it’s often easier said than done when you have different financial obligations to meet! Don’t give up. Here are some tips on developing effective saving habits.

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How do you meet your needs in different life stages?

Three friends, about the same age, arriving at three different life stages, with their own priorities. How much do you see yourself in them? and how can protection solutions help along your life journey?

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How should parents plan their children’s future?

Parents should handle financial and education planning with care. Besides ensuring your child will have access to sufficient fund for education, it is also important to protect the asset.

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There are 11 items on 2 pages.