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How do you recover from sub-optimal health?

Research shows that over 95% of Hong Kong people often feel unwell even without symptoms of a health problem. They have sub-optimal health, a state that is in between good health and bad. What can be done?

15 common sub-optimal health symptoms

According to the “Survey on Hong Kong Citizens’ knowledge and opinions on sub-health” on the University of Hong Kong’s Public Opinion Programme website, Hong Kong people are no stranger to sub-optimal health, which takes both a physical and a psychological toll. Among the most common symptoms are eye fatigue, back pains and frequent tiredness1.


Psychological symptoms
Psychological symptoms
  • Sleeplessness
  • Dizziness and headache
  • Low moods
  • Chest congestion
  • Impaired short-term memory
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty in concentrating
Physical symptoms
Physical symptoms
  • Aching or tired eyes
  • Back pains
  • Indigestion
  • Cold intolerance
  • Low resistance against cold and flu
  • Sore throat
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Breathlessness
Stress could cause chronic illness

Research has also found that constant stress caused by work and interpersonal relationships, and bad lifestyle habits such as irregular eating, lack of sleep and exercise can all contribute to sub-optimal health. Many Hong Kong people work year-round and are often too busy to remember important dates or even notice warning signs from their bodies. Overlooking symptoms of sub-optimal health can cause more stress and increase the risks of chronic illnesses, such as autoimmune system diseases and shingles (herpes zoster).


Warning signs that shouldn’t be ignored

In addition to the symptoms of sub-optimal health, the body could experience other anomalies. Even the mild symptoms are potentially linked to serious health issues. In case of doubt, get a doctor’s opinion as soon as possible. Early detection is always key to effective treatment.

Are canker sores a symptom of tongue cancer?
Are canker sores a symptom of tongue cancer?

There is the case of an individual who ignored the persisting canker sores on the tip of their tongue and was diagnosed with tongue cancer 4 months later. Clinical oncologists have pointed out that early-stage tongue cancer does resemble canker sores, so sores that persist might be a sign of cancer2

Does numbness in the arms indicate a stroke?
Does numbness in the arms indicate a stroke?

According to physiotherapists, conditions like stroke and spinal dislocation can affect the nerves in the shoulders, armpits, forearms and even fingers, causing numbness. If you are a heavy smartphone user, it’s worth remembering that keeping your head lowered for long periods can put pressure on your neck and spine, and problems could arise3

Are bloating and constipation signs of colorectal cancer?
Are bloating and constipation signs of colorectal cancer?

A surgeon has cited the case of an individual who was having frequent problems with constipation, bloating and hiccups. He eventually went to see a doctor and was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. According to information provided by the Department of Health, colorectal cancer could lead to changes in one’s bowel habits4

Reversing sub-optimal health with ease

There is a seemingly endless array of modern-day diseases, and more and more people are suffering from sub-optimal health. This condition can be reversed, and future illnesses prevented, with timely lifestyle changes. It is only with good health that you can look forward to a carefree retirement.


Dietary nutrition

Nutrients and calories are the 2 keys to maintaining a balanced diet. There are 6 essentials that you need to ingest daily.

Natural foods are the best sources of nutrients for health maintenance. If necessary, the right kinds and quantities of health supplements can be added. But the health supplements on the market can vary in quality, so it’s recommended that you consult your doctor first.

Calculating the daily calorie intake you need

If you’ve taken in more calories than your body needs, you should do a suitable amount of exercise to burn off the excess calories and prevent obesity and the attendant health risks. Want to know how many calories your needs each day? Let’s check out the formulae5



  1. HKU survey results: 95% of Hong Kong people have symptoms of sub-optimal health; people in their prime most at risk; sub-optimal health symptoms affect 65% of Hong Kong people and their daily lives
  2. Ming Pao Health website: persistent canker sores could mean tongue cancer
  3. ET Net: Numbness in arms can be serious, possible signs of spinal dislocation or stroke
  4. TOPick: Frequent constipation, bloating and hiccups; man diagnosed with colorectal cancer that has spread to liver
  5. Alfary website: How many calories per day? Understand your daily nutrient requirements (Part 1).

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All the information in the article is updated as of November 2021

Issued by HSBC Life (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

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