Maintain a healthy diet, fight the Novel Coronavirus!

Preventing diseases starts with boosting your immune system through a balanced diet. See the tips from dietitian Sylvia Lam on how you can obtain essential micronutrients to sustain your immunity.

Micronutrients help boost your immune system

Staying strong and healthy is always important to every one of us, and especially during the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus. We need a variety of nutrients to maintain good health – fats, proteins and carbohydrates are macronutrients that we require in relatively large amounts to grow, develop and repair. Meanwhile, equally important are the micronutrients that keep the body functioning and support the immune system to fight against diseases. Thus, we shall maintain a balanced and healthy diet at all times.

Micronutrients including different vitamins and minerals can be found easily in natural food as listed below:

*More Vitamin D can be obtained by participating in outdoor activities such as running and hiking under the sun.


More tips: Vitamin supplements

The body needs only small amounts of micronutrients that can be obtained from food, so supplements may not be necessary. Supplements often contain high doses that exceed our needs, and overtaking them may have negative impacts on your body. It’s better to consult professionals for appropriate advice.


Sources: Ms Sylvia Lam
Accredited Practising Dietitian (Australia, DAA)
Accredited Dietitian (HKAAD)
Full Member and External Affair Officer of the Hong Kong Dietitians Association


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