Have you ever thought about how much you will need to retire comfortably? With the cost of living rising year on year, the amount you will probably need may surprise you. A recent survey indicated that up to 37% of working people feel they are not saving enough to retire comfortably*. But that’s where we can help. The fact is the earlier you start saving, the easier you can take advantage of the effect of compound interest. So why not move retirement up a little on your to-do-list now and let’s work out a plan together.
* Source: HSBC "The Future of Retirement: Shifting Sands" Hong Kong Report.
HSBC Insurance offers a series of retirement protection plans, including the Income Goal Insurance Plan, EarlyIncome Annuity Plan, and the newly launched HSBC Wealth Goal Insurance Plan.
HSBC Wealth Goal Insurance Plan <NEW>
Income Goal Insurance Plan
EarlyIncome Annuity Plan
Please refer to the respective product brochure, fact sheet and policy provision for details of the above product features, benefits and risks which are subject to terms and conditions.
For enquiry, please contact your relationship manager or visit our branch for more details.
You are subject to the credit risk of HSBC Life (International) Limited. HSBC Life (International) Limited is incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability, and it one of the HSBC Group’s insurance underwriting subsidiaries.
The above life insurance protection plans are underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited (“HSBC Life”), which is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the Hong Kong SAR to carry on long-term insurance business in the Hong Kong SAR. HSBC Life will be responsible for providing your insurance coverage and handling claims under your life insurance policy. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (“the Bank”) is registered in accordance with the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as an insurance agent of HSBC Life for the distribution of life insurance products in the Hong Kong SAR. The above products are products of HSBC Life but not the Bank and they are intended only for sale in the Hong Kong SAR. For product details and related charges, please refer to the relevant brochures and policy provisions.